Why do the pages load so slowly? Why is the information also on blogs? What's going on here?
The idea is to use free tools for easy, no-training input and archives (Blogger's HTML editor and data structure), for dynamic web content (via iframes).
Web page content, text and images, is inserted dynamically from blogs -- a separate blog for each content area. Access for editing can easily be adjusted, there is built-in commenting, email notification, and anyone can subscribe to any part of the site. Content can be sent via email (even cell phone).
It also points to the next step: to include any other tools that make sense (flickr photo group? bulletin board?). Maybe we could even work on a town map mashup (though I don't know how to do that).
This approach does not supply all answers -- no easy FTP upload interface, for example. Maybe you can help with that...
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
- Lenny