Update the Cherry Valley Website

While anyone can comment on existing posts on the website, only invited authors can create a new post.

To become an author:

Create a blogger.com account (same as Google) using the email address and password you choose. Contact either Lou or Lenny, who can add you to the correct page. Respond to the email invitation.

To add a new post:

Go to the web page you want to add a post to. You must be an invited author to add a new post there. Scroll to the upper right of the page. If you’re not signed in, click the “Sign In” button. Sign in, which brings you to the Dashboard. Click the “New Post” button.

There is a small box for the Title and a larger box for the post. You can copy from a document you have open on your computer, or type in the box. It’s a lot like Microsoft Word. When you’re done, click “PUBLISH POST.” View the web page again. You can edit any post you write.

Post a Word doc, Excel xls, or Powerpoint pps file

1. post the file to the Internet.
- Log onto your Google (blog) account
- Go to Google Docs http://docs.google.com
- Click Upload and select your file

2. Publish your file
- Open the file on Google Docs
- Select Share/publish
- Copy the web location of the published file

3. Create a new post a link to the file
- Go to the CV web site and create a new post
- Paste the web location of the published file
- Select the location
- Click the Link button and paste the location again
- Describe the file in the title and the body of the post

How this site works

Why do the pages load so slowly? Why is the information also on blogs? What's going on here?

The idea is to use free tools for easy, no-training input and archives (Blogger's HTML editor and data structure), for dynamic web content (via iframes).

Web page content, text and images, is inserted dynamically from blogs -- a separate blog for each content area. Access for editing can easily be adjusted, there is built-in commenting, email notification, and anyone can subscribe to any part of the site. Content can be sent via email (even cell phone).

It also points to the next step: to include any other tools that make sense (flickr photo group? bulletin board?). Maybe we could even work on a town map mashup (though I don't know how to do that).

This approach does not supply all answers -- no easy FTP upload interface, for example. Maybe you can help with that...

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.

- Lenny
